
Jake is a very large and handsome guy. He is only 9 months old and ninety pounds. His owners got him from a breeder when he was six weeks old. They gave him up because of their jobs and they felt they didn't have time for him. He does have some training. He knows "sit" and "stay" and "down." He is mellow and intelligent. Jake is well-behaved in the house and knows not to get up on the furniture. He was good with nieces and nephews when they visited. Jake went to the office with his dad and lay by his feet. Jake and the family cat would run and play together. After their romp the cat would snuggle up to Jake for a snooze. Jake is an all-around incredible dog.We are asking a donation of $500 for Jake to help our other German Shepherds. He is micro-chipped, neutered and has had all his shots.

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Copyright © 2003 Westside German Shepherd Rescue. All rights reserved.
Last Updated 3/18/2004.