Lily von Devore
Lily is a beautiful black and tan classic-looking
German Shepherd. She has beautiful markings and has had excellent care.
is a good-sized female and was recently bred. Lily is 2 years old and
calm and well-behaved. She's good with kids. Lily was picked up by animal
control in the Devor area. The shelter calls one of our volunteers
when they
a special
shepherd. Lily is definitely a special girl. We love the easy dogs like
Lily. It is great that she is beautiful, but best of all she is so sweet
and kind. She was so perfect in a crowded waiting room at a veterinary
office. A little dog in a carrier was barking at Lily, she stepped back
to stay out of his way. She walks well on a leash and stays close by.
We feel badly about our dogs having to go to another boarding situation,
but we know Lily will be going home very soon. |
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Copyright © 2003 Westside German Shepherd Rescue. All rights
Last Updated 7/14/2004.