Major Fuzzy
Major Fuzzy is a extra large 14 month old long haired German
Shepherd.He is over 100 pounds. Fuzzy as his family calls him, looks
like an over sized teddy bear. Fuzzy is great with the children in the
family and they are very attached to him. Fuzzy has had professional
obedience training and knows his commands. He walks well on a leash and
doesn't bark at other dogs. He is very smart and figures things out quickly.
Fuzzy is also housebroken. Fuzzy needs to find an active home with someone
who is home. We got a call from his former home because that morning he opened a bread drawer with his teeth and ate a loaf of whole wheat bread, a bag of hot dogs buns and a dozen burrito size flour tortillas. He was also able to open a cage with birds and let them out. Fuzzy is resourceful and needs someone who will channel is energy and determination. We included a few of Major Fuzzy's puppy pictures, so you can see he looked like a little angel. |
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Copyright © 2003 Westside German Shepherd Rescue. All rights
Last Updated 10/26/2005.