Nemo von Matterhorn
Nemo von Matterhorn is a 4 year old big boned white
German Shepherd. He is has the straighter back and stature that most
people love. He is a hunk. Nemo is so sweet and calm, taking him for
a walk is a pleasure. He doesn't pull, just trots by your side. He has
some obedience training and responds quickly. When Nemo walks into a
room everyone stops to look, he has a presence. Nemo was found in an
upscale part of Los Angeles, we got him as soon as he became available
from the shelter. He has had good care, he is a solid boy who hasn't
missed meals and his coat is beautiful. Nemo is good with other dogs
and shared a run at the shelter with a dog a fraction of his size. We
love our big sweet white boy! |
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Copyright © 2003 Westside German Shepherd Rescue. All rights
Last Updated 2/19/2005.