Heidi von South
Earns BH Title

Congratulations to Cathy Cross and
Heidi von South Central for passing this difficult test with flying
Cathy Cross and her little rescue girl, Heidi von South Central
are awarded the Begleithund (Companion Dog) title as proscribed by
The Schutzhund
Club of America!
(For more info on the test click here)
Tobi aka Tobin

"Finally, a real forever home with the Kadifa's and Dana!"

"Thanks to Samantha and John, I am livin'
John's music is especially soothing!"
Gustav aka Tony
and Anna Lisa
Kristin's Little Angels
Bonita aka Molly

"Marlene, Ed and I ... don't we make
a thrilling Threesome?"

Geraldine aka

has provided me with some wonderful sleep mates!"
Lyla aka Ally

"Life is just a bowl of cherries and a new boyfriend Mack
and a jacuzzi and parental hugging and spoiling and and ...
Life is
by the Sea
aka Black Jack

"I can't pronounce my new name, yet, but
it doesn't matter as long as I can stay
with beautiful Gabriela!"